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Contains gourmet coffee from Brazil, Ganoderma Lucidum, with 0.06% caffeine.


  • Detoxifies and balances the body's functions.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Diuretic, high potential penetrant.
  • Psychosomatic, anti-inflammatory.
  • Helps in the prevention of hepatitis, asthma, flu, etc.
  • It reduces the levels of cholesterol and glucose in the blood.

WARNING: The aforementioned health problems are not treated with this product or with other similar products, because the field that the recommendation is aimed at is to raise awareness without exception; to ensure their health, when the body is well nourished, it is the body itself that does its job. Therefore, the motto the BODY, THE BEST DOCTOR.

PRESENTATION: Bag: 20 sachets for 4.5 grams.
POSTDATA: The prices correspond to the public price and the affiliate price, respectively. More info to messenger or whatsapp.


  • Para óptimos resultados, consumirlo a diario. Si existe alguna reacción de su cuerpo hacia el producto, tómelo con calma es el cuerpo que reacciona y él mismo está buscando un equilibrio ante la falta suya por tantos años de descuido que su cuerpo soportó. Realice ejercicios, hidrátese y coma sano.

    Ayude y recomiende a otros, acerca de los beneficios de este excelente producto, en cuanto a salud, bienestar e ingresos, se refiere.

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